Improve the conversion rate of your e-shop

Conversion rates: do less, earn more

Your conversion rate is probably your most important metric when checking your e-shop statistics. But it’s not easy to figure out what else you can do to improve it… Have you thought about Trustt, the activating tool for marketing levers that make conversions soar?


Playing your cards right

An aesthetic and optimized e-commerce website, a fast loading time and a wide choice of payment and delivery methods are essential to get a minimum of conversions. However, in an ultra-competitive digital world, these criteria are no longer sufficient to succeed in standing out.


Trustt increases the conversion rate of your e-shop

Get a step ahead of your competitors by activating all the product marketing levers that boost your conversions.

“With the Trustt tool, we were able to see that the time spent on our product pages was much higher, but more importantly that our conversion rate had increased by almost 30%, which is excellent”

Margaux Plot-Provain, founder of My Maquillage marketplace

An explosive mix 

An easy recipe with only 3 ingredients allows any online store to get a lot of traffic and optimize its sales tunnel.

  • Data: to perfectly understand the needs and motivations of the target and to implement a strategy that triggers the purchase,
  • Reviews: to reinforce the trust of your community in your products and prove their effectiveness,
  • Influence: to expand affinity reputation and extend the reach of your products to the audience of your ambassadors

More sales, less hassle

Trustt automates these three performance boosters in a single SaaS tool accessible to all your teams. Start product campaigns with your ambassadors and benefit from :

  • Segmented opt-ins to send the right messages to the right target,
  • Proprietary data to understand the target and its insights,
  • Authentic and extensive reviews to guide your e-shop visitors through the buying process.
  • UGC content on social media to boost your products’ e-reputation

It is the additional conversion rate achieved by a product page with more than 50 reviews.